The Extension locations tab

In the Locations, switches and access codes window, the Extension locations tab, you can add, delete and modify extension locations per organisation area. You need an extension location also for agents working in Light Mode and for the agents working “out in the field” with only a telephone as their tool.

To use this menu choice, you require at least one of the access functions Own location (for IVR) and Own location (for extensions) in your access profile.

The selection in the Organisation area drop-down list controls which existing extension locations that are shown in the list, as well as in which organisation area a new extension location is created.

The purpose of many of the fields configured in this tab is to allow intelligent handling of telephone numbers in CallGuide Agent.

Via this tab you also open the Switches window, which is primarily used for configuring server based CTI.

Add extension location

To add a new extension location, proceed as follows:

  1. Organisation area
    Select from the drop-down list the organisation area to which the location is to belong.
  2. ID
    Specify the new location’s ID. If the ID number is already in use, an error message will appear after which you can make a new attempt.
  3. Extension location
    Enter the name of the new location. The name of an extension location must be unique in relation to the names of the other extension locations within the same organisation area.
  4. Prefix for call out
    The prefix used to receive a line out from the PBX. If no prefix is required to call external numbers, nothing is specified here.
  5. Switch
    In order to be able to control the telephony for the agents via server based CTI, you must specify the switch that the extension location is using.. For aspects concerning intelligent number handling, see Basics about intelligent number handling. If you are using Microsoft Lync as PBX you should read section Specific configuration of the Microsoft Lync PBX type
  6. Country
    Which country the location belongs to is seen by the country’s name code according to ISO standard (e.g. SE for Sweden). An example for Sweden is 112 (to SOS Alarm). When any of these country unique numbers are called from CallGuide Agent, CallGuide will call the number directly, without any analysis, i.e. not try to optimize it to have it dialled in another way.
  7. External Number format
    This is where you specify in which form the telephone numbers that can be analysed shall be dialled outside the PBX from CallGuide Agent. Your options are:
  1. Extension format
    This is where you select the extension format that applies for the location. The alternatives are:
  1. Area code
    The location’s area code, if any, including prefix. The area code used in the area the location belongs to. So, in Sweden the area code to Uppsala will be 018. See Various prefix types. This configurations is, however, not available if the location belongs to a country with a closed number plan.
  2. Prefix DN
    Traditionally the extension prefix is defined as the part of the complete subscriber number that is not included in the very extension number. For example, the extension number can be 2911 while the complete subscriber number is 182911. In this case, the extension prefix is 18. For extensions in national and international format, the extension prefix is, however, included in the extension number.
  3. IVR group
    Necessary for parking and placing calls in queue in some cases. See Basics about park and requeue of calls and The IVR groups tab
  4. Startup sequence
    When a CallGuide Agent starts, a sequence of DTMF characters (0-9,*,#) can be sent to the telephone, for example when you want to remove an attendant message for the telephone. This is where you enter the DTMF sequence to be sent by the telephony module to unlock the agents’ telephones at startup. The field can be left empty.
  5. Comment
    is used if you want to describe the extension locations, for example to which physical PBX it maps.
  6. Switch domain
    Can only be changed by Telia Company personnel.
    If you are using any of the the service based PBXs Centrex IP or Touchpoint Plus, you must specify a domain name here. This can be seen as your customer ID ruling which business/company/organisation that the location’s extensions belong to in the PBX. By specifying the name per location and not per PBX, several different businesses/companies/organisations can be handled in one single CallGuide solution. This is of no importance in case it is an IVR location or an IVR group.
  7. Save with .

Modify extension location

You make changes directly in each respective column, by entering the desired value, picking from drop-down menus, ticking and unticking checkboxes. Save with .

ID cannot be changed.

Warning triangles indicate that something has to be revised. If you move your mouse pointer over the icon, you see a help text. In the Switch field the warning means that the location has been configured to use switch that is not connected, meaning that there are no links between the selected switch and a CTI engine.

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Delete extension location

To delete an extension location you select in the list the row to be deleted and press the Delete button. However, the extension location cannot be removed unless all extensions are removed.


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB